WP Selected

WP Selected

Corporate WordPress Themes November

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WPSelected Featured Badge Ivory - Gutenberg Theme for Business

Ivory - Gutenberg Theme for Business

Seocify - SEO & Marketing Agency Theme

Industify - Industry WordPress Theme

Seppo - Corporate One Page WP Theme

Going Corporate with WordPress

At the beginning, WordPress was only a content management system for blogs. But today, it perfectly meets corporate needs too.

Corporate WordPress themes are mostly for companies and based on sectors like law firms, hospitals, SEO agencies, laboratories, marketing firms, finance, industrial organizations etc. They generally come with various extensions and shortcodes to let you use the elements like team members, charts and introductory materials on your site.

Feel free to use WordPress for your corporate site. You'll be more than satisfied once you start to discover the things that can be achieved with it. You can begin with exploring the themes in this category!

Surprising Designs

Since they are into business, you can think that corporate themes might have boring designs. On WPSelected, you should get ready for surprising concepts! Thanks to great ThemeForest authors, you can buy a WordPress theme which is amazing but still corporate.

The important thing is the image of your company. You may prefer a serious design for your law firm. On the other hand, a SEO agency which has a colorful identity may choose an energetic concept.

Design trends change in time. So when you feel that your site is getting old-fashioned, you shouldn't be afraid of changing your theme. The newest themes could be found on WPSelected, as we select them with a big attentiveness, every month.

Theme Categorization

We don't discriminate any of them by sector while selecting the best corporate themes from ThemeForest. Our priority is high quality and functionality, as always. By doing so, we let much more people to find a great theme for themselves, which is the main goal of WPSelected.

ThemeForest authors choose a category while uploading their items. We try to follow their choices and if they've chosen the corporate category, then we add the theme in here. But sometimes, you can see different themes like an event planner theme because of the author's choice.

A good corporate theme should focus to the sector that it represents. Consistency in design language and meaningful reflection of the created image affect our decisions while selecting them.